
Robin Grabowski "Parts of My Heart Icon”

Since this project started my life has gone thru a major unexpected upheaval and of course the piece changed accordingly. I traveled from the quiet of everyday existence thru transformation. Maybe partitioned is the word I want to show where I am.

As far as technique; I wanted to play with glass paint beyond the Glasssline paint I have been using for a few years. I used high fire Paradise and low fire Fusemaster as well as the Glassline and frit layers and have 5 firings involved here. The last firing was a low temp tack fire (took 3 days) to fuse all the elements together and I was very happy that it worked. I was able to use all scrap Bullseye to recycle what would have been thrown away except for the cast heart using different size frits.

19”h x 13”w x 1.5”d
mixed-media glass


Anonymous said...

Your statement shows on your face in this work. . This is a powerful self-portrait.

Anonymous said...

Your line work is really exquisite.

Don't discard those scraps!

Anonymous said...

It's funny how hardship can leave rewards. You visit something often enough it imparts a feeling, I get serenity.